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ospsuite 11.1.197

New features

Major Changes

  • The class SimulationBatch gets a new property id.

  • The output of runSimulationBatches() is now a named list with names being the ids of SimulationBatch.

  • calculateResiduals() now uses log(base = 10) for calculation of residuals in logarithmic scale instead if log(base = exp(1))

  • calculateResiduals() does also return residuals for entries where simulated or observed value is 0 in logarithmic scale. These values were ignored in previous versions. If the observed or simulated value is zero or negative, it is replaced by an arbitrary small value getOSPSuiteSetting("LOG_SAFE_EPSILON") (1e-20 by default).

Minor Changes

  • SimulationBatch$addRunValues() will throw an error when any start value is NaN
  • SimulatioBatch gets methods getVariableParameters() and getVariableMolecules() that return list of parameter resp. molecule paths that are defined variable.

ospsuite 11.0.123

New features

  • Adds new DataCombined class that combines observed data (DataSet) and simulated data (SimulationResults) into a single object. Especially important is the $toDataFrame() method of this object that returns a data frame containing combined data from observed and simulated data, which can be further used for visualizations or other analysis.

  • Adds new visualization functions:

  • Adds a new class DefaultPlotConfiguration to provide plot configurations for plotting functions.

  • Adds simulationResultsToDataFrame() function to convert SimulationResults objects into a data frame.

  • All *ToDataFrame() functions also get *ToTibble() variants to extract a tibble data frame instead of a classical data frame.

Major Changes

Breaking changes

  • Signature for toUnit function has changed. molWeight is now the fifth, while sourceUnit is the fourth parameter (#837).

  • DataImporterConfiguration: fields timeUnitFromColumn and measurementUnitFromColumn are renamed to isTimeUnitFromColumn and isMeasurementUnitFromColumn

  • The constructor for DataImporterConfiguration does not accept a path to a configuration file any more. Use the function loadDataImporterConfiguration() to create a configuration object from a file.

  • The constructor for DataSet objects requires a name argument.

  • All validate*() helper functions and "%||%" infix operators are no longer exported. Please have a look at the new utility package, from which these functions are now exported:

  • The pkAnalysesAsDataFrame() function changes column data types for QuantityPath, Parameter, and Unit from factor to character (

ospsuite 9.0

  • Version compatible with the OSPSuite V9.
  • Initial Release