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Retrieve all parameters of a container (simulation or container instance) matching the given path criteria


getAllParametersMatching(paths, container)



A vector of strings representing the paths relative to the container


A Container or Simulation used to find the parameters


A list of parameters matching the path criteria. The list is empty if no parameters matching were found.

See also

loadSimulation(), getContainer() and getAllContainersMatching() to retrieve objects of type Container or Simulation


simPath <- system.file("extdata", "simple.pkml", package = "ospsuite")
sim <- loadSimulation(simPath)

# Return all `Volume` parameters defined in all direct containers of the organism
params <- getAllParametersMatching("Organism|*|Volume", sim)

# Return all `Volume` parameters defined in all direct containers of the organism
# and the parameter 'Weight (tissue)' of the container 'Liver'
paths <- c("Organism|*|Volume", "Organism|Liver|Weight (tissue)")
params <- getAllParametersMatching(paths, sim)

# Returns all `Volume` parameters defined in `Organism` and all its subcontainers
params <- getAllParametersMatching("Organism|**|Volume", sim)