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Check if a vector of values is included in another vector of values


isIncluded(values, parentValues)

validateIsIncluded(values, parentValues, nullAllowed = FALSE)



A vector of values.


A vector of values where values are checked for inclusion.


Boolean flag if NULL is accepted for the object. If TRUE, NULL always returns TRUE, otherwise NULL returns FALSE. Default is FALSE.


  • isIncluded() returns TRUE if the value or all values (if it's a vector) are present in the parentValues; FALSE otherwise.

  • validateIsIncluded() returns NULL if child value is included in parent value set, otherwise error is signaled.


# check if a column is present in dataframe
A <- data.frame(
  col1 = c(1, 2, 3),
  col2 = c(4, 5, 6),
  col3 = c(7, 8, 9)
isIncluded("col3", names(A)) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE

# check if single element is present in a vector (atomic or non-atomic)
isIncluded("x", list("w", "x", 1, 2)) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
isIncluded("x", c("w", "a", "y")) # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# check if **all** values (if it's a vector) are contained in parent values
isIncluded(c("x", "y"), c("a", "y", "b", "x")) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
isIncluded(list("x", 1), list("a", "b", "x", 1)) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
isIncluded(c("x", "y"), c("a", "b", "x")) # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE
isIncluded(list("x", 1), list("a", "b", "x")) # FALSE
#> [1] FALSE

# corresponding validation
validateIsIncluded("col3", names(A)) # NULL
# validateIsIncluded("col6", names(A)) # error